Monday, February 13, 2012


We had our first visitors the first week in February. On Saturday our friend Arnie was in town, so he stopped by for a night to hang out with us. It was great to see someone from home! Then on Thursday my parents arrived and stayed through Monday morning. While they were here we showed them around Irvine and our apartment complex, went shopping at the Spectrum, tried out lots of great restaurants, went on a whale watching boat ride (although we only saw dolphins and sea whales), and stopped by the grand opening of Tyler Marolf's Los Rios Rock School. It was so great to see them, and it was perfect timing because I was starting to get a little homesick. Seeing my parents helped a lot! Tears were shed when we took them to the airport Monday morning, but I know they will be back again soon! (Hint, hint!)

Anthony spent last week shadowing a chiropractor in Santa Ana. The doctor he worked with does treatment plans for a lot of MMA fighters and has a lot of interesting patients. Santa Ana is about 15 minutes from our apartment (traffic pending) so that isn't a bad drive. He is looking for someone to buy his practice, but at this point that isn't really what Anthony is looking for so this probably isn't going to turn into a long-term position. It was still a great experience for him to see how the office worked for a full week though.

More people are finally moving into our apartment complex, so hopefully we'll be able to meet some new people soon. We think someone is moving in directly above us today so it will be interesting to see if it's really loud in our apartment or if we don't hear them too much. I'm hoping we don't, but with hardwood floors I'm guessing we'll at least hear them a little.

We're definitely missing everyone back home, especially our families and those adorable nephews of ours! Thank goodness for Skype and Face Time!! We're looking forward to the weekend of St. Patty's Day because three of our friends will be in town visiting! That should be a FUN weekend! :-)

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